Thursday, June 21, 2012

Week in Review (6/11-6/17)

1st before I update you on my week last week. I have a confession to make. Yesterday on my way to work I was craving an ice cream sandwich, so I stopped at 7-11 and got an ice cream sandwich, which I happily devoured in minutes, only to discover my craving had not yet been satisfied. Luckily for me I drive by three different 7-11s on my way to work, so I stopped and got a second ice cream sandwich and happily devoured that one too. My commute is 3.5miles. I don't eat dairy cause it makes me feel bloated and blah. But yesterday I so did not care and it was worth every second of satisfaction I got out of each ice cream sandwich. I don't know what it is about ice cream sandwiches but man its like eating a bit a heaven every time. 

Then the night before the ice cream sandwich day, I dreamt I was eating Cheetos (I never eat Cheetos, nor do I particularly like them).  Totally random. 

OK. So last week, I wasn't sure how my legs were going to feel after such a high mileage week. I took 2 days of recovery, that was enough time for my swollen feet to return to normal. Then ran 5 miles on Wed and felt great and 11 on Thurs. Then I got tired. I can't remember Friday so I don't know why I didn't run then. Sat I went out for my long run and all I could think about was food and for some reason I just wasn't feeling it, so I forced myself through 4 miles in hopes I would get distracted and continue to run, but no such luck. Sun was feeling sluggish and tired again, no desire to run. So I decided back to back yoga classes would suffice instead. 

Weekly totals:
Runs: 3
Miles: 20
Yoga Classes: 4

I wasn't too worried about my lack of miles and runs after having a great week the week before and knowing I was going to have another big mileage week the next week. I decided to listen to the body and rest, I wasn't going to lose any fitness or sleep over it.

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