Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 35 Zero in Kennedy Meadows

Day 35 Zero in Kennedy Meadows
June 24th

I took a planned zero in Kennedy Meadows, as most thru-hikers do, to celebrate the completion of the Southern California portion of the PCT. I used the time to clean up, fuel up, and just relax and hang out with other hikers. It felt like being at summer camp for hikers. We shared stories of our experiences and people we met along the way. Lots of laughs were we've all met the same characters along the way, hiked the same trail and have had similar encounters of silly and ridiculous things that have happened along way. One of my favorite days so far!!!

Unfortunately there is no cell service, no internet, and a very touch and go pay phone, that works about 50% of the time. So I'm unable to upload my blog entries for a while yet. I was able to connect with my family and let them know, I am doing well, and will plan on meeting Dad in Red Meadows around July 4th.

The Kennedy Meadows General Store, Grill, and Post Office

Happy Feet!!! new pedicure, thanks to my San Diego Hospice friends.


My new mascot. Tucked in tight for the journey.

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